Monday, 9 September 2013

Initial Assesment - Honda (The Cog)

Who created this message?

Honda launched this advertisement, directed by Antoine Bardou-Jaquet.

What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?
Many creative techniques are used in this advert, some of which aren't often used in TV advertisements. For example this advert is mostly in virtual silence other than the diegetic noises of objects colliding in the sequence, and towards the end the music. Many modern adverts use a lot of loud non-diegetic sound to attract attention. However i think the use of silence is much more attention grabbing as it sets the advert away from the mass. It also makes the audience appreciate the visuals more, as it causes minimal distraction. This also sets quite a heavy and moody atmosphere, which is then contrasted by the uplifting and fun music from The Sugar Hill Gang. This could be seen as a metaphor for the car being advertised, can be seen as serious/business like, or fun and good for families. 

How might different people understand this message differently?
People from different cultural backgrounds could interpret this differently as they may not know the association of Honda with quality and attention to detail, so the advert my be seen as a bad representation. Furthermore the music used at the end of the advert my be unfamiliar, and also seen as unrelated. Also young children may not make any of these links and just see it as an interesting advert.

What lifestyles, values, points of view are represented or omitted from this message?
I believe the main audience of the advert is car lovers, and one of the ways it conforms to this idea is not only in the content but the use of selective viewing. As the advert was first show on an advert break between the Grand Prix, this was an easy an effective way to reach the selected audience. Also the timelessness and the use of no gimmicks makes the advert very classy and sophisticated, this reaches out to people looking to be respected, e.g. business men/women.

Why is this message being sent?
At the time of making and broadcasting this advert, honda was in decline of sales and market representation. This advert was created to not only heighten the sales of the Honda Accord, but to also bring up their market representation. Furthermore to create a stir around the brand identity of Honda.

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